I´m Caro and I live in Curaçao now, but I am from Santiago, Chile. I started diving in 2008, and since then, I never stop. I am an underwater photographer and a Scuba Dive Instructor. I started taking pictures when I realized my friends could not understand why I was always underwater, or what I was seeing. So I decided, with a basic underwater camera, to take some pictures and show them. Now since that day, I have been learning and taking pictures in different countries and each day, falling more in love with this amazing passion.
You can visit my personal portfolio at @girldivestheworld and www.girldivestheworld.com
Also the Scuba Dive center where I am the co-owner and Dive Instructor and where you can dive with me is Scubaçao
You can also find my love for crochet and craft in Que Tramas
Also you can check my Mermaid love in Curaçao Mermaids